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Mary helps business owners struggling to serve their first paying clients build resilience and keep going so they can start making income and an impact in their business 

Mary helps business owners who are frustrated, struggling, and feel like they've tried practically everything to serve their first paying clients.


She helps them realize there's nothing wrong with them and guides them to tap into resilience so they can keep going and give themselves a chance to do what they love. Her talks empower them to impact lives for the better, and to get paid for it!

“I saw Mary speak and felt moved and inspired after listening to her...She reminded us that we are all capable and powerful - it was an incredible moment for me and I left feeling excited. I talked to others in the audience who felt the same.”

Elizabeth, K., Director, Project Management


About Mary

Mary is passionate about helping mission-driven entrepreneurs to build resilience & keep going to be able to start impacting the world through their businesses 


This is because she got to the point of suffering where she almost committed suicide and she doesn't want anyone to feel anywhere near the kind of suffering that she had, 

and she wants people to know the fulfillment that comes with being able to impact lives in meaningful ways & to get paid for it like she's been able to do


One of the most powerful things that helped her come out of that darkness was her focus on building a meaningful business that impacts lives in incredible ways!


She believes what helped her most to be able to start actualizing her business dream was tapping into resilience and continuing to keep going long enough to figure out how to make it happen, 


and she gets lit up every time she helps others to do the same through her coaching & speaking!


She is an RN, and a life coach. She has received her life coaching certification through Tony Robbins program Robbins Madanes Training, and she received a certification in Applied Positive Psychology from The University of Pennsylvania.

She lives in Clearwater, Florida. There she spends most of her free time relaxing at the beach, dancing to all kinds of music, or watching movies with her sweet dog Cardi.

"You let us in heart with your personal experience. Extremely passionate, Important points, and you kept the energy going up."

Teresa J.

Mary’s Talk


How To Ditch The "I've Tried Everything" Mindset - So You Can Serve Your First Paying Clients

This talk is for business owners who feel like they don't know what else they can do to be able to start actualizing their business dream & to finally serve paying clients.

This talk teaches them how to keep going long enough to be able to make this dream of theirs real despite all their frustration and failures...


even when sometimes it seems like there's no way that their dream can ever happen.

In this presentation, audience participants will…

-Discover how to cultivate a strong belief in themselves and their ability to live out their mission so they can continue to show up and can make their business dream real

-Learn how to dial down their fears which will help them learn how to keep going despite being afraid so they can get paid to do what they love while making positive changes in the world

-Tap into an emotional reason why they truly want to make this impact in the world so they can stay at it long enough to make it work even if things get incredibly hard

Business People Mingling


"You excelled at owning the stage. You came out and took control. Your passion made your speech. Great stories you shared with us all...You moved me with your speech...Outstanding Speech"

Jeff T., US Air Force

"Mary, you are compelling to listen to. Your passion really shines through and reinforces the powerful message you deliver. Very inspiring! " 

Jane S., Entrepreneur

"Mary is passionate about helping and motivating others, and it shows. Her speeches are inspiring, authentic and motivational. I look forward to seeing her speak again!"

Kelsey G., Communications Professional

"Your speech was well structured and delivered with excellence....I felt your topic was interesting and inspiring to everyone"

Nichole R., Claims Adjuster

"Mary's speech was truly inspiring and moving. She has so much talent as a presenter. She has a unique style that is confident and powerful, at the same time relatable. Her display of genuine emotion was truly motivating. It is great to see a person that truly wants to make the world a better place."

Randy Z., +20 years Public Speaker and Lifetime Entrepreneur

Connect with Mary


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